As soon as the class finished, I started to look online if there was a way to retrieve unsaved changes in the Word document. I was so upset that I could not focus well what was being discussed in the class. But unfortunately, I had lost all major changes that I made after discussion with my instructor. I checked my assignment in the Word document with a hope that I might have saved my last changes. I connected with ECMP class but my mind had been diverted. I realized the loss as soon as the computer turned back on. So, I restarted it without closing any of my opened applications (I did not pay attention what was opened because I was in a rush to catch the class at 7:00 PM and not to miss anything.) In rush, I accidentally skipped through the “Save your changes” dialog and closed Word without saving the document! I thought a restart of the computer may help to fix the problem. Katia said that don’t worry about it, it’s ok for tonight if I couldn’t fix it. I had some issue with my camera that night, it was not working. The Word document was already opened when I connected to ECMP355 class through zoom on Thursday night.

It was a Microsoft Word document, I had made quite a few changes in it, and most importantly those changes were seen and approved by the instructor. I was working on one of my major assignments for another ECS class.