The visual statistics and data will give you ideas by analyzing the visual static data frequency signals and map according to it. This software works over any 802.11 based networking platform. Every signal will be given a star rating from 1 to 5, the latter being the strongest. The best part is that you will also get access to statistical data about other networks interfering with your current wifi network. WiFi Analyzer will first analyze your Network and create a channel based entry with all the signal strength and power a particular channel can yield you. By scanning your entire room, it will show you the best position to place router and also analyze WiFi related issues. It is available for Windows 10 and 8 series. WiFi Analyzer is a freemium WiFi Analyzing software available on the Windows Store. Read: Create WiFi Hotspot in Windows 10 1. WIFI Analysers for Windows will give detailed insights on all these statistics and help you find the best place to get maximum efficiency from a particular Network. Signal Strength and WiFi connection speed depend on a number of factors including obstacles like a wall, distance, signal blocking equipment, router strength and a lot more. We cannot find the best position by using the manual method alone. If you start walking around your house, you will notice the signal strength is really high at some positions while it is miserably bad at some other positions. WiFi Analyzers are software that is designed to find the best position where maximum speed and signal strength is high.