It’s important to stress that “Cities in Motion” is not a full-blown city-builder like “SimCity”. For those of you new to the series, “Cities in Motion” tasks the player with creating a transportation network successfully around a pre-built city. made the game a hundred percent better in my opinion, but it was clear to me that some improvements could have been made to make the game a bit more user-friendly for the casual folks. A capacity mod to double the size of the busses and etc. I enjoyed my time with “Cities in Motion”, but the difficulty curve was too darned high for my liking. Perhaps it had something to so with the fact that I failed in my attempts miserably.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get the chance to take screenshots of my “successes” and email them to my local city representative. Needless to say, when “Cities in Motion” came out in 2011, I was all for showing…well, someone…how to handle traffic patterns and mass transit once and for all.